GHIDRA brain child of NSA for Reverse Engineering

Most of us in security field enjoy taking things apart and figuring out how they work and  that curiosity is what drives us. Reverse engineering is dedicated for taking stuff apart, specifically compiled software in this context. Whether its for cracking a software or analyzing a malware this is a complicated task.

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Create a persistence Kali Linux USB

First of all lets see what persistence USB means, as you might already know any linux OS (Operating System) can be used live which means you do not have to install the OS to try it out. pretty cool right? saves you a whole headache of installing an OS. But there is a down side to this you can not save your work, every time you boot up your live OS it starts fresh. This is where persistence USB comes in when you boot your OS persistence you can save your work in the USB,  plug in to any computer and fire up your Kali OS. Now that you have a solid understanding of what we are going to create I’m going to walk you through the steps of creating it.

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What is Spectre and Meltdown, Why should you care?

2018 january was not a good month for the major CPU manufacturers like ARM, AMD and specially because of the vulnerabilities that were discovered by researchers named Spectre and Meltdown. Scary as they sounds these vulnerabilities managed to hide for like 20 years from us. Before we get a bit technical think about it as this,

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