GHIDRA brain child of NSA for Reverse Engineering

Vidura Supun Ehalapitiya · March 9, 2019

Most of us in security field enjoy taking things apart and figuring out how they work and  that curiosity is what drives us. Reverse engineering is dedicated for taking stuff apart, specifically compiled software in this context. Whether its for cracking a software or analyzing a malware this is a complicated task.

To reverse engineer a binary file software that named as debuggers come in handy. These software help us to understand the flow of the binary file we are analyzing, as an example we can take IDA and Radare.

Ghrida is the new cool kid in the playground of reverse engineering. Not just because it has features that can compete with commercial product while being an open source product but also since it has been released by NSA Ghidra was able to make a hype in security community. This officially got released by NSA on March 5th, and its also cross platformed which means it works on Linux, windows and Mac OS.

While some people still suspect that the ghidra project is backdoored and some hating it for being java and bit laggy, you can try it out yourself. If you are paranoid that NSA might be snooping on your computer you can run it on a Virtual machine.


Ghidra Download Page

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